Fabz: Sharpening and Specializing

It's about seduction, and about me.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

My current mental reframing

As a recap of the last post, here are my current three mental ideas :

1) At all times, I must make myself feel good about myself. That is my number 1 priority.

2) I identify when I feel insecure, or have anxiety, and I detach myself from them by recentering myself, and feeling good about myself.

3) I OWN it. Always I own my environment. That's how I can make thing exterior to myself change in a way that will make me feel good.

Now, I've had many of those "key" sentences before. Here's a sample of old ones:

-It's my frame.
-I am not condemned, I don't have to feel anxiety, because I'm trying something, and if I'm not happy, I'm not stuck. I can try something else.
-I am not a loser. I'm not stuck, because I can choose to get out of a situation.
-I don't have to be spectacular, I don't have to be perfect. I can try, and then try again.

The vicious cycle to avoid is the following: Afraid of getting "stuck", i.e. a loser. and thus getting in my cave, feeling depressed with no energy, and feeling paralysed. This paralysis makes me become stuck, as I'm not able to take action. To avoid having to recognize this inaction, I go into daydreaming mode, and in those dreams I am perfect and spectacular. Daydreaming is like a drug, with the high inevitably followed by a return to reality, and the fear and guilt that I'm becoming more and more stuck. I avoid thinking about it even more, and thus the cycle continues....

The way to deal with the cycle is to take action. By taking action, I realise that I can try things. That I'm not condemned, and that it's the trying that matters. What I try can have average results, it doesn't have to be perfect/spectacular. This is what I mean by owning it.
I need to simplify the vicious cycle above, and make it more clear. Maybe another time.


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