Fabz: Sharpening and Specializing

It's about seduction, and about me.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

HB 30 years old

I was in a coffe place, waiting for the time to meet my friends to watch the movie Superman. I had a view of the counter, and saw this blond girl, HB7.5. She looks at me, I look at her, and we smile. She walks to her place way behind me. So I stand up, walk straight up to get a napkin, then turn and go back to my place. That got me to see that she was sitting alone. I had spent a good part of the day sarging, so I just walked to her and said hi. We introduced ourselves, and I number closed her immediately and told her i couldn't stay because my friends were waiting (and, as a man, my friends are important to me).

Fast forward to the day2:

I don't know why, but my frame was super good. I was very relaxed, and was able to vibe with her while analysing the situation as it unfolded. It's amazing how much brain power is lost when one is nervous.

At first I wanted to just do regular talk: "what you do, where u from, how long in Montreal, etc.". I felt this to be necessary because I really had no clue who or what she was, and teasing her would appear too forced out.

She tested me gently in several ways:

1-she asked me my age, i made her guess (she said 27,I'm 25). she made me guess hers, I guessed low on purpose at 26, and she said she was 30!.

(what is it with me and older women?)

The testing part was that she wanted to see my reaction:
I was totally reactionless, she could've scratched her nose for all I cared. I just said "cool" and carried on with the convo.

Even better, it allowed me to raise my value two times:

Once ,she mentioned some AFC friends of hers who told her "I bet you were very pretty when you were younger" (ouch). I paced her mood and commented on how clueless some guys are about women. I went to a true story on how I screwed up WAY BACK when I was ten and told a girl I'd forgotten her name, and that the mean look the girl gave me stayed with me since.

I then told another story on my norwegian ex-gf, who is 28 (implying I date older women)., and how we ended our it because we both didn't want a long distance relationship, but that we still hook up when we meet (sexual man frame)

2-She asked me if I always pick up women like I did with her, just by a smile and #closing. I again was very relaxed. I spoke to her in a way that fully expressed the reality I (supposedly) live in: that of a natural who is, and always has been, fully comfortable with himself as a sexual man, and who expresses it openly.

Of course, that wasn't what I said.

I told her: "of course, I smile to people all the time, why shouldn't I? It's amazing how afraid some guys are of just smiling to random people. What's gonna happen to them, get killed?".

Hehe, she totally bought it.

3- At some point I teased her and she gave me the finger while laughing. Again I kept on smiling and ignored it.

4-She answered her phone. I punished her by casually looking around and watching the cute women nearby. She apologised and ended it quickly. While she was talking, and since my neck was turned towards her, I started playing with my own hair at the base of the neck and gently pulling it, a la evolution-phase-shift.

Lol, no fucking clue if it helps though, but I felt like doing it.

Now for the sexual teasing part. I finally started to get a feel of how to do this. It's basically like you tease your female friends, with sexual innuendo thrown in. The best way is of course to misunderstand everything she says:

1-(while leaving) Her: You're going to the restroom?
Me: yeah
Her: me too.
Me: what, together? Sure babe, let's do it.
Her: (friendly push, laughs)

2- I told her a story about living in the dorms and what crazy stuff happens there (sexual story). She then said that she didn't do the dorm thing. I said: "Yeah, you're no party girl, not fun". She gave me the finger while smiling.

(note to self: You could've started the kino right there, by holding that finger!)

3-Her: I'm carrying too many things, cell phones, bag, etc...
Me:(as if thinking about a solution) Take off your clothes then.
Her:(again pushes me, giggles).

I made several mistakes, I think:
-I should have maybe qualified her. I don't think I complimented her much.
-Not enough sexual teasing, no kino, and WAY too much time spent talking about our respective ex's.
-not enough rapport and connection.

Good points:
-I felt totally natural, or at least as close as I can at my level. It's probably because I'm gaming several girls at the same time.
-I was definitely NOT intimidated by her age, and she noticed it.
-I prepped her for the next meeting: I like eating ice cream, and said that she should come with me to this great place I know.
-I remembered the advice on swearing during convo as a good thing, and included it in my stories.

In conclusion: Not bad overall, the sexual teasing and passing the shit tests established the frame I had intended "I am a sexual man, I hook up with chicks often, no big deal". I had a little rapport with her, with stories about my childhood during the war, and how the country where I grew up will always be home to me.

Man this girl's face is a 7.5, but her body's a solid 8. The key words for next time are: ESCALATE the kino, qualify and compliment, state that I dig her, and lower the energy level a notch.



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