Fabz: Sharpening and Specializing

It's about seduction, and about me.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Getting into the local seduction lair

I got into the local seduction lair recently. It was interesting to see how varied the guys in the lair were, in terms of age and personnality.
This lair is definitely not made up of uneducated bums, who have nothing going on in their lives. Of course, any person who would hear about such a lair would shrug off its members as 'losers', according to the above definition. The reality is completely different. The guys are mostly highly educated, intelligent people, ranging from university students to lawyers and engineers. Moreover, from the posts I have been reading, I found so many of them to be very cultured and interesting.

What I found to be a common point about these guys, at least the active members I have met so far, is a genuine desire to improve themselves. These are people who have gone through the necessary steps of self improvement, namely:

1- They have identified that they have a problem -in this case, with women. They have acknowledged to themselves that they are not satisified with the quality of their dating/sexual life.
2- They have realised that they WANT to improve that particular aspect of their lives, that they do NOT accept themselves as they are now because they know they deserve better.
3- Having found the seduction community, they learn that they are not alone, and most importantly, that becoming good with women is a SKILL. It is something that is based on certain rules that can be learned. They do not believe anymore in the "some guys are born good, others are not" type of bullshit. They understand that relationships and meeting women is like any sport or game or activity, it is based on rules and requires a lot of practice to achieve any level of competence.
4- The final point is that they actually had the COURAGE to take that first step, to dedicate themselves to that new activity and to give it time and effort. After the initial jump, they have the willpower to hang on, to continuously get out there, out of their comfort zone, and face head-on the risk of being rejected, being laughed at, and feeling angry at themselves for pushing so hard.

I think the final point is a major one. I have at least one person I know who didn't go through it. I introduced him to the community through the book "The Game", and after the inital mockery and denial, he accepted the fact that seduction is a skillset that can be learned. However, he never took the plunge, at least not so far.

Because of my low self-esteem issues, I'm very often hard on myself, chastizing myself for being weak, a loser, or whatever.. This is why I have to constantly remind myself that I have at least had the intelligence and courage to go through the 4 steps. I have gone out several times so far with other bros for day and pub game, and they have been very helpful. Thanks to them, I have been able to control my fear of approaching women, something that, on my own, I still cannot seem to be able to do.

But then again, I am only at the beginning!

From those few interactions, I have learned already a lot about the game, and more importantly about myself. I can compare my pickup style with others, I can identify my weakpoints and my strong ones. It is also more comfortable to have people such as them to practice with, and with whom I am able to talk openly. Any guy, after giving it some thought, will realise that men do not generally talk that much with their other male friends about their problems.
Rarely do they do that, because:
"Girls do that"
"dude, that is so gay"
and other crap...

Generally, for a guy to talk about how he is not satisfied with his dating life, and to ask for advice, is seen as not macho, not manly. Just think of how many sitcoms revolve around the subject. Think of the TV series Friends, where the interaction between "macho seductor" Joey and his "nice/clueless/shy" guy friends Chandler and Ross, and you can see how much humor is spun around those topics.

In society today, guys are conditioned to the fact that it is not cool to talk about your dating life, or lack of. When a guy asks his friend how it went with that girl he met at the club, the response is usually a one-liner: Either "Dude, I banged her senseless", or "she was a bitch".

Here is another good example of societal messed up conditionning: A bit after joining the lair, one of the main members, a guy who has become a very successful seducer, calls me. Apparently, at some point, he was entertaining a harem of 5 women, and they all knew. He calls me and proceeds to ask about my goals and my weak points concerning women. This is what he does with all newbies, and is an indication of the fraternity that is prevalent in such a community.

Among the questions he asked was "do you consider yourself to be a good lover?". I answered truthfully to this question. Later on, I realised how rarely such a question is asked among guys!! How often would two male friends ask themselves that type of question, without ANY of the usual jokes, sexual innuendos, and competitiveness that form such a large part of male-male interactions?

Not very often.

On a similar note, I really like to read the posts written by the members on the private bulletin board. These guys talk about all their problems honestly and without any fear. They do that because they know they are asking the opinion of like-minded men, people who will not make fun of them, but who instead will try and help them and give them advice.

A final point: all members of the lair are instructed NOT TO TALK about the existence of such a community to non-members. And since I have been involved in this activity, I have come to see how utterly incomprehensible and odd such a community would sound to outside people. Not only to women (that much is obvious, although there are a few women out there who approve totally), but also men: If you tell some guys you are trying to improve your success with women, as part of a lifelong quest for a quality life, the fact is that they will make fun of you. That in itself is proof that you are better than them.

Screw all of them losers. I am in control of my life, and will do what I want to increase its value.

Let the training continue.


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