Fabz: Sharpening and Specializing

It's about seduction, and about me.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

First successful sarge


Yesterday was my first by-the-book successful email close.

I was walking in the downtown malls trying to do a cold approach, but I still couldn't do them.
Then it dawned on me: Instead of this 'all or nothing' attitude I have, which means that in all probability I would go home without having spoken to anyone, I might as well talk to people. The only way I'm able to do it at my current level is by talking to women working in the stores. I know it is not really approaching, but some work on the sarge is better than no work at all.

Anyway, I started coming in to stores talking to women employees, and loosening up, until I arrived at this place where they sold like shaving cream and stuff for men, and the girl there was cute. So I engage HB7 and ask her about after shaves, since I recently started using them and know about them:

I told her to show me what she had, and then asked specifically for non-alcohol type products (they cause dryness of skin. Any guy living in the Canadian Cold knows how annoying it is to go out in the freezing wind just after shaving, and what it feels like on the face). I guess that statement and others showed some authority from my part, maybe that's a display of high value of some sort.

Then I started teasing her about spying at other counters and about how she is doing industrial espionage on the other brands.

Then I went funny by telling her about how my grandfather was a classical guy in terms of shaving: shave with a nude razor blade, then put on some cologne to clean the cuts, and take the pain like a man (it's not lying it's flirting). It was fun, but not hilarious.

Finally, after mentioning that I was a retired porn actor, and am now an ass model, I finally had the guts to ask her contacts. In the past, even after maintaining a good vibe in a conversation with a women, I wouldn't dare to ask for anything, and would just say goodbye, and then kick myself. This time I told her something like: 'Hey you know what, you're interesting, we should continue this another time'. She said yeah sure, and then I asked her 'well what do you propose?'. We then agreed to exchange emails, and she went to the end of her counter to get a pen and paper. Now I have read that this is a good thing, that I made her work, that she got invested in the activity. I'm not sure about that, but I believe that it showed how interested she was in me, looking for writing material and all , and reading carefully my handwriting. (or maybe she just wanted to get rid of me hehe)

Anyway, I sent her a funny short email today, asked her opinion about something fun, and didn't ask specifically for a day 2. I'm going to leave it for after she replies and after we start talking on the phone.

So good points:
-first successful sarge.
-am starting to become aware and watch for clues in her body langage, to try and calibrate and see how she is perceiving me.
-finally dared to escalate and ask for a contact number.

Bad point:
-definitely wasn't the tightest game ever, it could be that she just liked me (like I said, I am cute and charming when I don't act like a wuss). But who cares, what matters are results.
-I am putting too much emphasis on this sarge, I should be out there getting 20 such numbers, and not stress about whether she is going to respond or flake on me, which is what is happening to me right now.

Still, all in all, a small but clear improvement over yesterday's me.

(patting myself on the back....)

Let the training continue,



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