Fabz: Sharpening and Specializing

It's about seduction, and about me.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

FR: C & F good, rudeness bad! Part 1

Okay first field report ever!

In my previous post I talked about how my low self-esteem has always messed up my relationships with girls. My main fear is in opening: I am so sensitive to criticism that any rejection affects me terribly. To be very honest, I am terrified with the cliche of people pointing a finger at me and laughing at me.This is why I have never so far really opened a set. My current "sarging" was limited to walking in the malls and shops and bookstores, and talking to people who work there (because they expect you to talk to them, so no risk of rejection there). I know...it's pathetic. As much as i try rationalizing, getting angry at myself, motivating myself, it has happened to me before that I go to a club with the specific goal of sarging, only to find myself unable to open a SINGLE set, not even girls on their own.

Anyway, this is why yesterday was a milestone, I finally managed to open a set. I have found that making eye contact first is a good idea, as it makes the inital talking more natural to me.
Of the main 3 sets I opened, things went from good, to average, too bad. I am still a beginner, so "good" for me means maintaining a fun conversation for some time. I will talk about all three of them in chronological order.

NOTE: my opener that entire night was one I invented on the spot: "Hi there, I need a female opinion on something...There is a theory that Quebec girls tend to be short...Is that true? why? etc...". I liked it, and it worked in opening sets, because it is very relevant (Since I AM in the province of Quebec, and girls DO tend to be short IMO). Also, it is about the girls themselves, their own favorite topic :-)

--> First set (the "good" one)
It was a one set, an HB6 objectively, but since she is my type (tall, thin, brunette), let's say HB7.
She was in the first club we went to, and as I was walking around the club a lot (I know, I know, one should not walk too much, it's AFC), I saw her several times, and she saw me too. Eventually I passed by her closely, made EC and opened her.

me: you-think-Quebec-girls-short??
her: don't remember what she said, but did not reject me, she answered, and then mentioned that she is from switzerland.
me: (i like this opener in that, no matter if she is a local or not, I can say: "oh good, then you know what you are talking about OR oh good, you have an outsider's insight on that matter" ). I then asked her about what she thought of Quebec girls in general. I specified the typical girl from here i.e. well dressed, take care of themselves, and VERY aggressive, even bitchy attitude for the prettier ones.
We then started talking about them, she said how much power they wield, how they pick up Quebec guys and not the other way around. So by contrast, the local guys here tend to be soft (read: pussies).
Note: This does not reflect my personal opinion, but I am seeing this type of behavior in guys quite a lot though.

Now for the interesting part of the sarge: when she mentioned that guys don't pick her up, I started the Cocky and Funny:
Me: So what you're saying is that you have been here for like 15 mins and no guy has talked to you.
her: yeah.
Me: so like, you, the TOP MODEL, have not been hit on so far this night.
her: starts to smile, she protests, small punch on stomach---> kino baby!!
Me: I continue the teasing, something around the lines of: "How is that possible!! How can guys NOT NOTICE you, oh my god what is wrong with the world!!". This is very much a part of me, i naturally start being loud, faking disbelief and utter amazement. It was working like a charm.
Eventually she asks about me, and i don't know how I talked on how nobody had hit on ME yet, wich is a basically a fresh spin on the teasing I had been throwing at her.

Me: "Yeah I can't believe nobody has spoken to me yet...I mean LOOK at me! How can that be???" (she is laughing, getting that I am still making fun of her).
Then I turn to the crowd and say :"Please, please someone hit on me!!"
She was laughing all the way now, lots of kino, hitting and punching nicely.

Eventually we talked about Switzerland, and I try continuing with the C&F, but it wasnt as good.
She mentioned she was from Lausanne, I mentioned that EVERY single Swiss I meet is from Lausanne, then I mention how utterly boring Switzerland must be, even Geneva, where everything closes early, bla bla bla.
In my opinion it was going quite well, then a guy friend from her group told her let's go to the dance floor. She was obviously hesitating, but since I didnt react quickly enough, she started going there. then she asked me what my name was, and I told her. she then told me her first boyfriend had the same name, which allowed me to be very C&F:
Me: in a very girly manner, faking being emotional "Oh my God that is SOO cute!".
She was laughing away, unfortunately i DIDNT number-close her. I thought that I would see her again later and then would resume the sarging, but didnt.

Good points: C & F works for me, and I seem to finally not come off as too beta-nice-boy at the first impression. I think it is because I don't smile, only grin, and am serious when starting with the opener. (Thank you David DeAngelo).
Another good point is that I have internalized some notions, like not flinching when she mentions her boyfriend and act as if she didnt, and reacting in a cool way to the punching and protesting.

Bad Point: I should've just number closed her, instead of counting on later sarging.

I will continue with the second and third sets in the next post.

"C'est qui son dieu?"


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