Fabz: Sharpening and Specializing

It's about seduction, and about me.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

When two targets meet

Here is something I posted on the Lair yesterday:

Okay guys here is the situation. I've met this cute british girl at my salsa lessons, and last week we hung out a bit during the salsa lesson break. She is only staying for 4 months, and is definite casual sex material, which is what I want out of her.

Now this other girl (asian) is part of my extended social circle. She is very smart and classy, not really the party type. She is attracted to me, and constantly tries to gently shit test me. The thing is I think she sees me as boyfriend material: We have only hung out with our common friends so far, during which I had this cool and popular 'regular' guy vibe. By regular I mean a guy who is not a total AFC, but still goes for LTRs and is not a player.
Now I know what ya all gonna say: It is my job as a man to decide what I want with that girl, and to set the corresponding frame accordingly, and not overanalyse what she wants. I am with you guys 100% on that. That was my plan, to reframe her perception of me as this very sexual guy. I was going slowly with this because I don't want too much awkwardness and drama within our common group of friends in case I mess things up.

Now, in the normal world these two girls in my life should have been mutually exclusive....But now it turns out the asian chick is coming tonight at the salsa lessons.

Great......... now what? Both are going to be there! I need to decide how to manage the two chicks. The sensitive time is during the mid-lesson break. The students have like a 15 min time-off. During that time all three of us will probably end up sitting together (and not sure if other acquaintances might join).

So far the ideas I have are the following:

-First of all, the reason I am there is to learn salsa, so during the lesson that is my priority, NOT those girls, and I need to convey that to them.

-Also during the lesson, my frame is that of the cool sociable guy. I've done it the previous times, where I was talking to everyone and giving my partners high fives and such.

-During the break, and assuming it's just me and the two girls, I am going to be as laid back as possible. No hitting on anybody, just dominate the conversation, make them laugh and choose the correct topics (sexual, fun, etc...).

-Let them see me as the prize, (and then I can enjoy observing the subtle ways in which they try to put each other down :-) )

So far that is what I am thinking. I know there are advanced ways to create jealousy plots, but I don't know how.

So that's my case for tonight, any comments are most welcome.


Now, I got some interesting suggestions:

-Do not hit on one in front of the other, but make them both see that the other sees you as of value.
-When you first introduce them, LEAVE them ALONE together.
Women's first reaction is either to compete or get rapport. If you are not around, they will get rapport.
-Tell stories, do some kino, but don't close one in front of the other. The 4 month girl has less to lose by being the "other" woman, but the asian girl is part of your social circle.

And finally my report on what happened that night:
So what happened was the following:
I came in the club, saw the british girl and sat with her and her friend for a bit, then the lesson started.
A bit after the start of the lesson, 4 of my friends came, so a positive point is that I got social proof in front of HBBrit.
The asian only showed up later, and so I couldn't test the notion of introducing them and then leaving them to build rapport...too bad.
During the break, I couldn't talk with any of the 2 girls, because one of my friends is my dance partner and she really wanted to practice her salsa moves. Since friends are before any HB, I spent the entire break time with her.
During the entire lesson, I was fun, smiling and sociable.
At the end of the lesson, some of us were still dancing. Then, I saw the Brit girl standing alone and, halfway through the dance floor, pointed at her, walked to her and led her to the dance floor. I showed her some of my moves, she showed me hers, we kinoed a bit more than strict salsa canon, all of that while HBasian was watching.
So that was it. I know now that the brit girl is very attracted to me, and I was very alpha around her (couldn't build comfort though). The Asian girl saw all of that, which showed her she needs to work to attract me (she sent an SMS today saying how much she enjoyed last night, thanking me and stuff :-) ).
AsianGirl knows now at least that I am not your typical "boyfriend material" guy. Still, the next time I see her I expect a lot of shit testing from her, to try and mold me...bring'em on girl!!
Next monday, both girls are going to be there too lol! That should be fun.
So here it is. I loved the concept that if two women you are gaming meet up, then better to just leave them together for a while so that they can bond.


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