Fabz: Sharpening and Specializing

It's about seduction, and about me.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

FR: Rapport with HBBrit

Hey guys,

In my previous post I talked about two girls I'm gaming at my salsa lessons. Yesterday, only HBBrit came to class, which made things much easier for me.
My objective for the night was to go into rapport and comfort with that girl. I have noticed this problem in my behavior: I carry on too long being the sarcastic, cocky and funny entertainment guy. I used to do that because I would grow nervous and afraid of stalling, and so would become overly sarcastic, ruining the atmosphere.

But not this time. With HBBrit, I knew that attraction was done the previous times I had seen her. I had established myself as a fun and attractive man, and tried as much as possible to steer away from the "nice guy/boyfriend material" behavior.

So what happened is that, after the lesson, I took her from the dance floor to a table. We sat, ordered some drinks, and started talking.

She had 2 problems I needed to fix:
-She was giggling too much, wasn't taking anything seriously. I think it is because she was still in "entertainment" mode with me. I needed to go into rapport.
-She was asking too many lame questions (where do you come from? What brought you to Canada, etc...). I think it is because she was a bit nervous around me, and was trying to avoid any silence. Thus, she needed comfort.

My behavior was the following: When she started asking lame questions, I would answer with the weirdest, obviously crazy stories. For example:

Her: How come you have Canadian citizenship?.
Me: Well...That is a VERY interesting story. You see, I was working for the British secret service, and to reward me, the Queen gave me a lordship. and gave me the choice of any citizenship in the Commonwealth, so I chose the biggest country, Canada.

Another one:
Her: So how come you're in Canada?
Me: Well, that's a FASCINATING story actually. Once in my home town I was walking on the beach, when I saw....this MERMAID! using a LAPTOP! bla bla bla(she bursts out laughing, kino, etc...)

After a while, everytime I didn't want to answer a question, I would just start with "Excellent question!" or "It all started for my family during the Crusades", and that would end it.
I know it's a good thing in general not to answer all the questions, so as to keep her on her toes. Besides, it allowed me to control the conversation, and I knew I needed to set a new frame.

That behavior paved the way for the following frame: "Come on, you can do better than that, ask me a real question!"
While telling her that, I was making sure to lean back on my chair everytime I noticed myself. I also told her:
"Listen, look at me, look into my eyes. When you see me, what do you want to know? What is it you want to know about what makes me tick?"
I told her to think about it, then I asked her my question: I knew she loved to travel, so I asked her what it is about travelling that she liked. After some probing, she said she liked the challenge, the fact that she was discovering new people, new cultures, and that she had to get out there and meet them. I tried to feed back to her those trance words, but my SS is rudimentary. I remembered later on that I could have launched into my own story, related to hers, but not at the time.

Then, she asked me a very good question:
"If you knew you only had tomorrow left to live, what would you do that day?"

Man, that was a tough one. I made sure to mention that to her, and to compliment her (with kino also). I took my time to think it over, then I gave her a truthful answer in a very serious tone. From that point on, we had properly shifted into rapport: I had started light kino (I made sure to sit next to her, and not have a table between us), we were talking about deeper topics, I was leaning back the whole time.

After answering and telling her it was a genuinely good question, I starting preparing for next meeting. I told her it would be good if we could continue this outside of a salsa context, then told her about this nice coffe/bar place on StCath, and that we should meet up. We agreed on wednesday.

After that, she started asking me back the same lame questions. I didn't block them like before, I just challenged her a bit by saying "What's in it for me if I answer your questions?". She answered with the only shit test of the night: "If you answer I'll come on wednesday"

I laughed out loud, (not an evil one, a joyful one) and told her something along the lines of "Girl, we both know you are going to be there!". That kept her in line.

After that, we walked to the metro, and said good bye, no kiss close (should have gone for it maybe).

Now with the next step, which is tomorrow!. Here are the parameters, any help/comments would be most welcome:

-Next time my objective is clear: to f-close her at her place. The date location is near her house, so I must find a way to venue change between the 2 locations. An idea would be to ask her to show me "that thing at her house" (that I need to determine during the conversation :-) ). Another is: after I walk her home I could tell her I need like 15 mins to freshen up/relax/call someone etc....
-To properly be able to venue change, should I have a very sexual frame? or more comfort/rapport stuff?? I haven't had many day 2s so far, so any general help is most welcome.



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