Fabz: Sharpening and Specializing

It's about seduction, and about me.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

LR....About time too

Hey guys, first LR on this blog!

I was at a house party, with no intention of sarging hard, but rather to practice being the social butterfly. Even though I knew almost no one, I ended up talking with most people. There was this girl, HBgerman, who seemed cute. I say "seemed" because I had too many beers to really remember her face hehe.

I didn't pull any particular game on her. Rather I stood up from the crowd by doing the little non-afc things. For example, I was leading convo in a group, and a guy I was talking to wasreplying when she interrupted by saying something to me. Of course, I gently llfted my hand to tell her to wait until I was done with the guy.

By contrast, there were a lot of AFC guys around. Like this almost-40-year-old who was standing there like a wallflower not contributing anything, and when HBGerman barely mentioned that her beer was almost empty, he silently goes to the fridge, and brings her a beer. (guess who's NOT getting laid much?)

Anyway, I e-mail closed her and the little one-on-one convo we had was great fun coz she has a cool sense of humor. After that, we had a long string on back-and-forth email exchanges, but couldn't meet due to her and my busy schedules. All the exchanges were light and fun, no pressure, we had this on-going joke that we should fire our respective secretaries for incompetence.

Finally, we meet at the same house again. Funny thing is, I remembered her as a short, kinda chubby brunette.

........ Turns out she's a tall, cute and slim blue-eyed redhead !!

Isn't alcohol supposed to make them look prettier?? lol

Now we can call her HB8, and she's an 8 in my book coz I prefer brunettes.

Anyway, nothing much happened that night, but she sent me an email to ask me to participate in research she is doing, where I would have to go to her lab three times. The second time at the lab, we decided to do something afterwards. Here is where I noticed that afc behavior can creep in silently, and one can lose momentum. I wasn't leading enough. We first had beers with her other lab partners (I said "ok only one beer", and we had 3!). Then we walked to her place because she had to put her bike there. My plan was to take her to a park because the weather was so nice. I thought her place would be ok, hoping we would be alone.

Of course we weren't alone! she lives with 4 other people. That was just dumb AFC wishful thinking.

At her place, we started conversation with two people there, and I noticed she was getting sleepy. At one point I told her discreetely: "You and me, let's talk, one-on-one, your room". She said no, adding that it was "weird". I get a little pissed, but instead of fully reverting to AFC behavior (by sulking or being needy or pushy), I subtly ignored her by taking control of the conversation with the other two guys. I was dominant, and she wasn't part of it because she was too sleepy and it didn't concern her. I noticed her peeking at me after a while.

It looks as if I had this ignoring-her part planned on purpose to reestablish attraction. The reality is that I was pissed at her, which is the AFC feeling I get when I screw up. Still, it worked, she sent me emails apologising about how tired she was. I replied by telling her to call me the next day, which she did, on time. As we were again trying to setup a meeting, I knew she was still very attracted because she was very compliant with everything I was asking (calling me on time, telling her to know her schedule properly before calling me, notify me if she's gonna be late, etc).

I was again in full control.

Now, in parallel, I was doing some reevaluation of my game. And I noticed that Im very impatient on my day2s. For me, the day2 was when I was going to have sex, even though there would be next to no qualifying done, and absolutely no comforting and connecting. I lost several targets because of that.

So yesterday, as I was meeting her, I made a point of calming myself, and of aiming for two things: establishing comfort, and escalating the kino, with a makeout as the final thing. I managed all that. I asked and related with topics about her family, country, relationship with brothers. I did a little cold reading, etc...

The kino wasn't so good though at first, I only did some small touching during convo.Eventually I leaned back on my chair, and put my arm on the back of her chair. It felt very natural. From there I started playing with her long hair. Then I just kissed her on the cheek. Eventually we started making out. At first they were short, then longer. Between each I would step a little back and say something irrelevant: "Yes, beautiful day isn't it?". That made us both smile and more relaxed.

From there on the kino was great, and I suggested after a while that we continue making out at her place (which was really close by), but that I couldn't stay long.

We went back to her place and had sex :-)

So there it is. Not super tight game, but I was able to recover from some mistakes, and not screw up too much, which is a part of having game.

In conclusion, and after the sex, I tried debriefing her:

Me: "What happened on that day you said it was weird?"

Her:"One of the guys there likes me a lot, and I felt weird about going to my room with you in front of him."

(Note to self : a guy that seems quiet and relaxed and alpha can actually be afc and needy. That guy was playing it cool, and I didn't see through him)

Me:"Did you notice one time in the lab when I tried to kiss you but was hesitant?"

Her:"Yeah i did. Plus I would've felt awkward anyway, because I didn't really know you"

(proof of the importance of comfort building)

Cheers guys,


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